Sunday, May 06, 2007

Debris of Kenya Airways aircraft still being sought

The debris of the Kenya Airways aircraft believed to have crashed with 114 passengers, among them nine Kenyans, is still being sought.
Though there was no word on the cause of the crash, the Douala International Airport control tower received a distress signal from the plane as it roared to the skies. Villages around the area the search was being concentrated also reported hearing an explosion.
The search operation 100km South of Younde, Cameroon, where the plane crashed five minutes into the air, went on even as optimism on the fate of those on board faded.
"We could not locate any wreckage at NietÈ where first information suggested the crash may have occurred," a local government official in southern Cameroon, told Reuters.
He said the search had shifted to another area southwest of the capital – between the towns of Lolodorf and Ebolowa – where inhabitants said they had heard an explosion.
President Kibaki last evening said the Government shared in the anxieties of the families and friends of the missing persons.
He assured the nation the Government had put in motion a mechanism to help establish the status of the plane.
06/05/07 The Standard, Kenya
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