Sunday, May 06, 2007

Top Tata official says no immediate plans to enter airline biz

Mumbai: After an abortive attempt to foray into the aviation sector in the mid-1990s, the Tata group has ruled out any immediate plans to enter the business.
"We have no plans at present to enter the aviation business. However, this does not mean that we won't relook at the business in the future," a top Tata group official told PTI here.
The Tata group had announced its plans for the domestic airline business in the late-1990s in collaboration with Singapore Airlines but abandoned it following failure to obtain regulatory approvals.
"The market conditions then and those prevailing now are different. While I don't rule out entering the business in the future, I can tell you that we are not looking at the business now," Tata Sons' Executive Director, R Gopalakrishnan, said.
The Tata group has a long and distinguished connection with Indian aviation with its former Chairman, the late J R D Tata's love for flying and association with Air India, being a case in point.
Similarly, Rata Tata, the present Chairman, has never hid his love of flying.
06/05/07 PTI/The Hindu
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