Sunday, May 06, 2007

Turkish Airlines Flight 1074 finally arrives in Mumbai

Mumbai: After a 24-hour delay and a night at the terminal passengers of the Turkish Airlines Flight 1074 finally touched down in Mumbai on Saturday night.
The flight, which left from Istanbul at 9:45 pm (IST), was forced to land in Tehran after only two and a half hours following technical problems.
Spares had to be sought from Istanbul and it took about 8 hours for the necessary repairs to be carried out.
But relatives in Mumbai were left in the dark anxiously awaiting the arrival of their near and dear ones.
The 123 passengers, who were mostly Indian, spent a harrowing night at the airport on Friday because they were not allowed to go into the city. They were relieved when the Airbus 300 finally took off this morning.
But their relief gave way to shock when the plane returned to Tehran after being in the air for only 40 minutes.
The plane was forced to turn around for the second time within ten hours due to another technical snag that took place after take off.
Meanwhile in Mumbai, passengers who were to take the flight back to Istanbul were also forced to suffer delays.
After waiting for 12 hours at the International Airport, they were finally granted hotel accommodation.
06/05/07 Shloka Nath/
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