Saturday, July 02, 2011

Ailing AI doesn't trust its crew?

Delhi: According to a new circular from the management, employees of the airline availing sick leaves will have to get themselves tested by the company's doctors within 48 hours. Previously the span was 72 hours
With a debt burden of Rs 40,000 crore, national carrier Air India is not exactly in the pink of health. But the company expects the highest standards in work ethics from its employees. For instance, in a new order Air India has asked its crew members, who are availing medical leaves, to report within 48 hours of their illness. MiD DAY has a copy of the circular. Earlier, employees had to report to the company's medical officers within 72 hours A senior Air India official said the span has been reduced in order to bring in some efficiency within the organisation. "There have been times when crew members report sick and do not turn up for days. The idea is to rein in those who have been found violating the rules," he said.
The circular issued a few days ago by the in-flight services department however, does provide some leeway. "In the case of prolonged illness, employees will have to report within 15 days," it said.
The crew members' association has smelt a rat in the decision. A senior cabin crew staffer who wished not to be named said: "An employee who is sick or bedridden and may not be able to travel or walk down to the AI medical department within 48 hours. And who will be held responsible if the crew develop some problems due to exposure to a contagious illness?"
02/07/11 Surender Sharma/MiD DAY
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