Sunday, December 16, 2012

DVB Halts Indian Plane Finance After Kingfisher Repossession

DVB Bank SE (DVB), one of the most active aircraft financiers in India, suspended all financing to Indian carriers after the country’s administration failed to deregister two airliners following their repossession from Kingfisher Airlines Ltd. (KAIR)
DVB repossessed two Airbus A320 aircraft earlier this year from Kingfisher after terminating leases on the planes, the lender said in an e-mailed statement. The bank still hasn’t gotten the necessary documentation that would let it place the jets elsewhere, Bertrand Grabowski, managing director for aviation and rail at the Frankfurt-based bank, said in a telephone interview.
“Until we have the planes deregistered, we can’t redeploy the airplanes and that means a loss for DVB,” Grabowski said. Financing into the Indian market is suspended until further notice, he said.
17/12/12 Bloomberg

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