Monday, May 20, 2013

Guptagate report shows manipulation, collusion and illegal blue lights

Manipulation of processes and collusion between officials led to the politically connected Gupta family being allowed to land their private jet carrying VIP wedding guests at Waterkloof Air Force Base last month, after having two requests for landing rights elsewhere turned down, Justice and Constitutional Development Minister Jeff Radebe said on Sunday.
“The breach in this instance was a consequence of manipulation by the responsible persons, who contemptuously manipulated the system to advance the wedding objectives at all costs,” he said.
Mr Radebe was presenting the findings of a team of seven directors-general of the justice and security cluster appointed in the wake of “Guptagate” to probe any wrongdoing in the matter.
He said: “We can state without any fear of contradiction no minister was involved, nor was (President Jacob Zuma).”
Mr Radebe added that the activities of some of those involved in the debacle had been driven by the “undesirable practice of the exercise of undue influence and abuse of higher office”, though he added that Cabinet members “were not required to issue any instructions, did not issue any instructions and did not create the impression that they ought to have issued any instructions”.
The issue has already led to the suspension of five senior government managers, three of whom are South African Air Force senior officers, along with eight Tshwane metro police officers and one South African Police Service reservist.
19/05/13 BDlive
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