Sunday, December 08, 2013

Air force to bid adieu to India's first supersonic jet Mig-21 FL on December 11

The curtains are going to fall on one of the Indian Air Forces' (IAF) most glorious chapters next week when Mig-21 FLs (type 77) will be airborne one last time soaring their way into history.
It will also mark the beginning of the end of half a century old era of Mig-21 operations in the IAF.
IAF chief NAK Browne will be in Kailaikunda in West Bengal on December 11 to take salute from four Mig-21 FL aircraft that will fly a "box formation" as their last sortie.
The IAF will say bid adieu to the aircraft that has flown over 50 years, which itself is a tribute to the machine and the men who kept it going.
The Mig-21 FLs would fly in the company of another ageing platform from the Mig stable - Mig-27 Ml - and the latest Sukhoi-30 MKIs.
08/12/13 India Today
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