Monday, September 08, 2014

Six months later: Where is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

Six months ago, the story began as a puzzling news bulletin. A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet with 239 people on board had vanished from radar screens as it was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The disappearance was quite the mystery. Was it a terrorist attack? Was there a mechanical failure that led to a crash? Did the plane go down over land or water? Were there any survivors?

We all figured the answers would come after searchers found the aircraft or its wreckage.

Half a year later, it remains a deep mystery. No part of the plane has been discovered. Not one speck of debris.

A Boeing 777-200ER just disappeared. With 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board, it just vanished.

Authorities are convinced the plane crashed March 8 in the southern Indian Ocean. Satellite data and radar information indicate the plane turned off course and most likely went down about the time it would have run out of fuel.

Officials don’t know why it flew off course.

Airplanes and ships searched the surface of the ocean for nearly two months, with each report of debris turning out to be a false lead or flotsam from another source. To date, more than 4.5 million square kilometers of sea have been scoured.

An underwater drone with sonar took the search beneath the waves in mid-April and looked for the source of four underwater pings picked up by devices towed by ships.

The pulses were encouraging because they were of a frequency close to that used by the locator beacons on the plane. The four signals were within 30 kilometers of one another.

More days of searching followed. Dozens of underwater missions over hundreds of kilometers. Still nothing.

Heartbroken family members of the people on board the plane have been left still seeking answers.
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