Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Despite clear weather, only four flights operate

Chandigarh: Despite clear weather only four flights operated from the Chandigarh Airport while, 11 were cancelled in advance as airlines anticipated disruption in service due to heavy fog.

The permissible limit for a flight to land or take off is 1,000-1,200 metre of runway visibility at the local airport. The weather conditions on Wednesday were well within the limit for flight operations but fearing massive financial losses in lieu of cancellation, the airlines decided to limit their service.

According to the airport authorities the four flights which could operate include two flights of GoAir to Mumbai, a flight each of Air India and SpiceJet to New Delhi.

As the flights were cancelled, passengers were at the receiving end as airline operators failed to inform them about the status of the flights.
07/01/15 Indian Express
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