Thursday, June 18, 2015

SpiceJet Loader Held for Role in Gold Smuggling Racket

Chennai: In a stroke of luck, Customs officials at the Chennai Airport found an important link in a gold smuggling racket after the airport security caught a SpiceJet contract employee carrying 1.6 kg of gold bars, on Tuesday.The airport police related how Immanuel, a loader with ground clearance to work near and inside the aircraft, was on duty when flight SG 2 arrived from Colombo at 4.

40 am on Tuesday.A little after 5 am, when Immanuel attempted to leave the airport with his usual work bag, CISF staff stopped him to check his belongings. Despite the regulation that all airport staff have to undergo mandatory checks when entering and exiting the terminal, security guards have been known to cut regulars some slack.

“When they dipped into his bag they found that he had a concealed packet inside which contained gold bars with foreign markings.
17/06/15 Nyooz
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