Nagpur: The Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court on Friday rejected a plea by an insurance agent for staying 'Air Fest-2015' to be held on Sunday. While hearing the PIL that was filed on urgent basis on Eid holiday, a division bench of Justices Bhushan Gavai and Zaka Haq ruled out any interference in the proposed air show.
The judges also flayed petitioner Harendra Ved for expressing apprehension on event without possessing any expertise. "Any interference at this stage would result in losing the air-show, for which the officers of air-force must have worked for months. We don't find any public interest involved in the petition," the judges observed. Air vice marshal Praveen Bhatt was present during the hearing.
The 68-year-old petitioner through counsel Pramod Kulkarni contended that 'Air Fest-2015' involved various acrobatic activities of helicopters and other aircraft in city's vicinity. Therefore, there was a likelihood of an accident leading to unforeseen casualties. He prayed for shifting the event to Dr Babasaheb International Airport considering safety of citizens. However, assistant solicitor general of India (SGI) Rohit Deo assisted by Mugdha Chandurkar strongly opposed his contention.
26/09/15 Vaibhav Ganjapure/Times of India
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The judges also flayed petitioner Harendra Ved for expressing apprehension on event without possessing any expertise. "Any interference at this stage would result in losing the air-show, for which the officers of air-force must have worked for months. We don't find any public interest involved in the petition," the judges observed. Air vice marshal Praveen Bhatt was present during the hearing.
The 68-year-old petitioner through counsel Pramod Kulkarni contended that 'Air Fest-2015' involved various acrobatic activities of helicopters and other aircraft in city's vicinity. Therefore, there was a likelihood of an accident leading to unforeseen casualties. He prayed for shifting the event to Dr Babasaheb International Airport considering safety of citizens. However, assistant solicitor general of India (SGI) Rohit Deo assisted by Mugdha Chandurkar strongly opposed his contention.
26/09/15 Vaibhav Ganjapure/Times of India