Saturday, February 20, 2016

Disclose names who flew in State choppers: SIC asks Government

Srinagar: In a significant decision aimed at curbing the misuse of State choppers and aircraft, the State Information Commission (SIC) Friday asked the Jammu & Kashmir government to come up with details of all the passengers who availed the facility and also frame rules for regulating the travel facility.

The move could throw sensational disclosures about the misuse of helicopters and planes as VVIPs including the ministers and top bureaucrats have often faced accusations in this regard.

In its judgment, the transparency panel directed the Civil Aviation department to disclose information about all passengers who fly in State choppers and planes within five days of receipt of the order.

“….The Commission directs that in order to bring transparency and accountability in the working of the system, the names of all the passengers who have used the government facility be disclosed and put on the website under an intimation to the information seeker who in turn will download the information from the website,” the order reads.
20/02/16 Greater Kashmir
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