Monday, March 07, 2016

Another boarding fiasco at Mumbai airport as man boards earlier flight

It seems that the number of passengers boarding wrong flights at the Mumbai airport is on the increase. But this time, the passenger boarded the wrong flight, but of the same airline and to the same city he was to travel to. An Indian passenger, who was to travel by Cathay Pacific’s flight 660, wrongly boarded CX 696 for Hong Kong on Saturday night. This is the third such incident in past four months that raises security concerns at the city airport.
On March 5, the passenger wrongly boarded the flight that departs at around 12.45 am from Mumbai instead of the one for Hong Kong that takes off at around 1.25 am. The incident took place when the passenger, GP Reddy, boarded the wrong aircraft at around 11.55 pm on Saturday night at boarding gate number 78. “The passenger would have taken off in the aircraft as he did not understand the difference between the two flights,” said a senior airport official. “According to him he knew it was the same airline that he was booked on. It was only when an airline official realised the mistake that the airline officials got into action,” he added.
07/03/16 Neha LM Tripathi/mid-day
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