Friday, March 18, 2016

Civil Aviation Ministry seeks position paper from Ground Handlers Association of India

The Ground Handlers Association of India (GHAOI) announced that it has been asked to submit a position paper on key aspects of policy which amongst others affect Safety and Security of Airports highlighted by the association. The draft policy allows self-handling, third party handling, temporary employees and unlimited players in the airport, an utterly disastrous and thoughtless move.

Elaborating on the position paper, Arvind Kumar, Secretary General, Ground Handlers Association of India, said, “As an association, we feel the draft aviation policy has serious loop holes that need to be fixed before it is rolled out to avoid threat to national security. Our biggest worry is unrestricted and unqualified self-handling and third party handling with contract labour, as it will lead to existing domain experts being replaced with unqualified operators. It is sad that some of the airlines are en-cashing on the opportunity and have moved the debate to price points; the fares would come down but only by less than a percent if at all. Why would anyone like to risk their life for less than 100 rupees?”

The position paper will highlight the origin the ground handling policy – that came into effect during the governance of our former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee – global trends and best practices, and the importance of a sound and robust ground handling policy in a booming aviation sector – include establishment of firewalls, bonafide wholetime employees and level-playing field for everyone.
17/03/16 Travel Biz Monitor
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