Friday, March 11, 2016

Vijay Mallya flew Jet first class to London with 7 heavy bags

New Delhi: Indian banks may be looking for Vijay Mallya to pay up Rs 9,000 crore, but the "wilful defaulter's" flight out of India was in the lap of luxury.
Mallya took Jet Airways' Delhi-London flight 9W 122 last Wednesday (March 2) at 1:30pm, said a top government official.
Accompanied by a woman, Mallya flew first class to London. And he did not travel light, packing a lot of stuff for his journey out of India.
"He checked in seven big pieces of luggage. The meet and assist service provided to all first class passengers was accorded to Mallya and his companion," said a source. Locals in Hertfordshire, north of London, where Mallya has a luxury residence, confirmed spotting him.
11/03/16 Saurabh Sinha/Times of India
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