Monday, September 05, 2016

Green signal for int'l status to Agra airport

Lucknow: A week after Uttar Pradesh government petitioned the ministry of defence and pushed for in international airport at Jewar in Great Noida, a team of officials from the ministry arrived in Lucknow on Saturday and green-signalled expansion of the Air Force airport at Agra, and for it to be developed as an international airport.
UP government has pledged to provide the additional 150 acres of land required, and also said it will fund the expenses incurred in the expansion and upgrade of the existing facility.
Following a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Defence and the UP government in Lucknow on Saturday, Agra district magistrate said he has obtained the consent of 300 farmers out of 347 land owners of this land, costing Rs 165 crore. UP government said the land will be made available in one month.
The Air Force on Saturday also agreed in-principle for expansion of the runway at a cost of Rs 100 crore, which will make it suitable for landing of commercial, international flights. This amount will also be borne by the state government, while the expansion will be carried out by UP government under the supervision of the Air Force. In an official statement on Saturday, the UP government said an agreement has been reached with the Airport Authority of India to begin the work.
05/09/16 Subhash Mishra/Times of India
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