Sunday, October 09, 2016

2 women flying to Canada held with forged passports

Mumbai: The Sahar police have arrested two women—aged 42 years and 24 years—trying to fly to Canada with fake passports. Immigration officials at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) stopped the duo on Thursday night after finding discrepancies in their passports.
They were on their way to Toronto via the UK to work as domestic helps there. The police are collecting information of the agent who has taken Rs60,000 each from the two for passport and visa.
The two women, hailing from different parts of Gujarat, had approached an agent as they did not have documents to apply for passport. The 42-year-old woman has never gone to school while the other is a school dropout.
"Immigration officials found that the passports the duo were carrying had been issued to some other persons. Except for the photographs, no information in the passports belonged to them," said Sahar police senior inspector BT Mukhedkar.
The two women came to Mumbai on October 4 and checked in to a hotel before taking a flight two days later. They were handed over to police on October 7.
9/10/16 Times of India
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