Belagavi : A day after four youths of a madarasa were detained for trespassing into Sambra airport, the Islamic school stated they entered the airport premises after security personnel told them ‘to come inside’.
Sources in the police department also agreed with the clarification of religious school and termed the students as innocent. The detained youths were released after the police got an undertaking from the madarasa that such an incident would not repeat in the future.
The madarasa authorities told Express that 12 students from the school had gone there twice to see aircraft flying - once at a plane’s arrival time of 6.30 am and the other at 10.30 am on Friday. Since they knew that entering the airport premises without permission was an offence, they formed six groups of two each and climbed on each others’ shoulders to see the place landing at 6.30 am.
After having breakfast at their hostel, they left back for the airport to see the plane flying at 10.30am. When they were being given a leg up, the security staff outside the airport noticed and informed the security incharge, sources said.
Security personnel rushed to the place from inside the premises to the place where the youths were standing outside and “told them to get in by jumping the 12-feet high wall”, the sources said.
The youths who refused get in first were taken into confidence and made to climb down inside. Only four of 12 got in. They were detained by the security officials.
16/10/16 New Indian Express
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Sources in the police department also agreed with the clarification of religious school and termed the students as innocent. The detained youths were released after the police got an undertaking from the madarasa that such an incident would not repeat in the future.
The madarasa authorities told Express that 12 students from the school had gone there twice to see aircraft flying - once at a plane’s arrival time of 6.30 am and the other at 10.30 am on Friday. Since they knew that entering the airport premises without permission was an offence, they formed six groups of two each and climbed on each others’ shoulders to see the place landing at 6.30 am.
After having breakfast at their hostel, they left back for the airport to see the plane flying at 10.30am. When they were being given a leg up, the security staff outside the airport noticed and informed the security incharge, sources said.
Security personnel rushed to the place from inside the premises to the place where the youths were standing outside and “told them to get in by jumping the 12-feet high wall”, the sources said.
The youths who refused get in first were taken into confidence and made to climb down inside. Only four of 12 got in. They were detained by the security officials.
16/10/16 New Indian Express
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