Thursday, February 16, 2017

Guests at Aero India not only watch aircraft, but fly them too

The Aero India 2017 at Yelahanka Air Force Base is probably the hottest destination in the city, despite the distance and the fact that people have to stand under the scorching sun to catch a glimpse of state-of-the-art aerial aircraft and helicopters. Aerial shows apart, the air-conditioned business exhibitions halls have plenty of interesting attractions for casual visitors — the best could very well be the 360° Virtual Reality tour by India's Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), which gives visitors a life-like experience of flying inside the indigenously-built, single-engine, single-seater light combat aircraft, Tejas. The tour, in which people have to wear VR glasses, lets them experience what it's like to walk into the hangar, get on the plane, take off, fly and, finally, land.
Suresh Kumar, a flight simulation scientist with ADA, who has has clocked over 3,000 hours of simulated flying, says, "Tejas is an entirely Indian-made aircraft. We wanted people to feel proud of that, so we thought it would be best to bring the entire flying experience to them."
16/02/17 Mohammed Waseem/Times of India
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