Thursday, February 16, 2017

In a rare case, two women held at airport for hiding gold in rectums

Mumbai: A two women and a man were booked at Mumbai airport on Wednesday for allegedly trying to smuggle gold concealed inside their rectums. This is a rare case where women have been caught for trying to smuggle gold in this manner.
However, this is not the first time that these women, both widows, have tried to smuggle in gold using this method. They are repeat offenders who were paid between Rs 10,000 and Rs 20,000 per trip.
On Wednesday, customs officials stopped Salochna Keshwani (60) and Mohini Lalawani (35) upon their arrival from Bangkok on suspicion. As the officials did not find anything on their person when they were frisked, one of them asked the duo to walk through a metal detector, which indicated that they were carrying metal items.
When the officials questioned the two, they did not admit to the offence, though their replies were evasive. The officials decided to conduct a clinical examination, which confirmed that they had concealed 450gm of gold worth Rs 13.65 lakh in their rectums. They refused to admit to the crime despite the reported discovery.
The officials found out from the women that both had children who depended on them financially. It was only after the officials told the two that they would bring their children to the airport and tell them about their mothers' activities did they confess to the crime. They admitted to similarly smuggling gold in the past as well.
16/02/17 Vijay V Singh/Times of India
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