Navi Mumbai: In a slight setback to the construction of the Navi Mumbai international airport, authorities have to convene a fresh gram sabha to obtain consent of 50% of villagers for acquiring land in the core aeronautical area of the project. This approval is a must for stage II forest clearance from the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) for 261 hectares, which Cidco, the nodal authority for the project, has been maintaining is a mere "formality".
Officials say documents related to the gram sabha convened earlier have gone "missing". So, they have to convene the gram sabha again to get consent of villagers stating there were no tribal rights on the land.
As it is a land issue, Raigad collector will have to complete the formality and send the papers to the Centre. A Cidco official said a gram sabha is likely to be convened soon. The crucial forest clearance is needed to start the Ulwe hill cutting operation and the river diversion.
Earlier, senior PRO Mohan Ninawe had said that as there were no tribals in the area, getting the gram sabha approval won't be an issue. Bhushan Gagrani, managing director of Cidco, said the new format for the MoEF clearnace required documentation.
09/02/17 Times of India
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Officials say documents related to the gram sabha convened earlier have gone "missing". So, they have to convene the gram sabha again to get consent of villagers stating there were no tribal rights on the land.
As it is a land issue, Raigad collector will have to complete the formality and send the papers to the Centre. A Cidco official said a gram sabha is likely to be convened soon. The crucial forest clearance is needed to start the Ulwe hill cutting operation and the river diversion.
Earlier, senior PRO Mohan Ninawe had said that as there were no tribals in the area, getting the gram sabha approval won't be an issue. Bhushan Gagrani, managing director of Cidco, said the new format for the MoEF clearnace required documentation.
09/02/17 Times of India
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