Thursday, February 16, 2017

Red carpet welcome for guests at airport

Ranchi: Birsa Munda Airport turned into a carnival space on Wednesday. A riot of colours and buzz of activities greeted the delegates for the global investors' summit as they 'touched down' in the morning. The terminal was decked out with banners, cut-outs and posters of Momentum Jharkhand and wrapped around with a huge team of police and paramilitary forces to provide security cover.
Dressed in colourful attires tribal folk artists welcomed each guest with beats of drums and traditional dance. Other fliers who alighted at the airport stopped and craned their necks to sample the fanfare that was set up to accord a warm welcome to the guests. A long queue of sedans lined up along the airport's exit to take the delegates to their hotels.
For the tribal artists the performance was a rather long one as wait elongated for the delegates to arrive. Lined up along the exit corridor the artists broke into dance enthusiastically amidst drum beats at the mere nod of officials who were ushering delegates. This often resulted in false alarms too like a cop or an official waving at them would set the folk artists off on their performance. At times when the wait for the guests prolonged inordinately, the beats would die down.
16/02/17 Sourav Mukherjee/Times of India
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