Mumbai: A magisterial court here today issued a non-bailable arrest warrant and an extradition order against businessman Vijay Mallya in a service tax default case. The court also issued an NBW against Sanjay Agarwal, erstwhile CEO of Mallya-owned Kingfisher Airlines. “The Esplanade metropolitan magistrate’s court has issued a non-bailable warrant against Mallya, to be executed through the Ministry of External Affairs, and also an extradition order,” said Service Tax Department counsel Advait Sethna. Mallya owes over Rs 100 crore to the department as of now, he said.
India has an extradition treaty with UK (where Mallya is believed to be staying) and therefore the court’s order can be executed by the the concerned authorities, the lawyer said.
The Service Tax Department had issued a notice to the now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines for dues of Rs 87.5 crore in 2011-12. The airline collected service tax from passengers but did not deposit it with the Department, it said.
17/03/17 PTI/Financial Express
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India has an extradition treaty with UK (where Mallya is believed to be staying) and therefore the court’s order can be executed by the the concerned authorities, the lawyer said.
The Service Tax Department had issued a notice to the now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines for dues of Rs 87.5 crore in 2011-12. The airline collected service tax from passengers but did not deposit it with the Department, it said.
17/03/17 PTI/Financial Express
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