Last week, Aditya Narayan made headlines for his ugly spat with airline officials at the Raipur airport, after being stopped for carrying excess luggage. A video of the actor-singer threatening and abusing the staff went viral and his father, Udit Narayan tried to do some damage control by saying that this was a one-off case and that Aditya has been well-behaved since childhood.
Udit said in another interview that he would make his son issue a public apology. And it looks like he has stayed true to his word. According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Aditya apologised on national television.
The apology was issued during the latest episode of a reality show hosted by Aditya. "I am very, very sorry. I am extremely sorry. Aap shayad jaante hain ki main aisa nahi hoon. And India, thank you so much for the support over the years," he said on the show, if a source is to be believed.
Samrudhi Ghosh/
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Udit said in another interview that he would make his son issue a public apology. And it looks like he has stayed true to his word. According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Aditya apologised on national television.
The apology was issued during the latest episode of a reality show hosted by Aditya. "I am very, very sorry. I am extremely sorry. Aap shayad jaante hain ki main aisa nahi hoon. And India, thank you so much for the support over the years," he said on the show, if a source is to be believed.
Samrudhi Ghosh/
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