Sunday, July 01, 2018

IGI readying for 30% more flights per hour by 2021

New Delhi: The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is working on a plan to augment the air traffic handling capacity of the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport by 30% in the next three years.

IGI, India’s busiest airport, handles up to 73 movements per hour (a movement includes both departures and arrivals), which is likely to be increased to 95 movements per hour by 2021.

Improved ground infrastructure will comprise building rapid exit taxiways so that landing aircraft can vacate the runway more quickly, enabling closer spacing of flights landing at the airport. Additionally, the airport’s operator Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), also plans to build dual taxi-lanes for uninterrupted taxi flow to and from the aircraft gates as well as add a fourth runway by 2021.

According to a senior AAI official, the focus will be on three broad areas — ground infrastructure, airspace use and air traffic flow management procedures. Flow management will include keeping a close watch on airlines not adhering to time slots given to them, ands clubbing together smaller aircraft such as turbo-props and chartered flights.
01/07/18 Jagriti Chandra/The Hindu
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