The stage is set for the visit of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Jaipur on Saturday and for his interaction with the beneficiaries. Rehearsal of the arrival of the Prime Minister was carried out at the SMS Stadium with his motorcade starting from the temporary helipad to the venue Amrudon Ka Bagh.
A similar rehearsal was done at the airport assuming that if the helicopter of Prime Minister is not able to land at the SMS Stadium due to weather condition then he will be taken by his motorcade to the venue from the airport.
At the venue, PWD minister Yunus Khan took the review and saw the preparations that had been done. During last few days, Khan along with other ministerial colleagues like Rajendra Rathore and Arun Chaturvedi have been reviewing the preparations on a daily basis. By Friday evening, almost everything was completed.
07/07/18 DNA
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A similar rehearsal was done at the airport assuming that if the helicopter of Prime Minister is not able to land at the SMS Stadium due to weather condition then he will be taken by his motorcade to the venue from the airport.
At the venue, PWD minister Yunus Khan took the review and saw the preparations that had been done. During last few days, Khan along with other ministerial colleagues like Rajendra Rathore and Arun Chaturvedi have been reviewing the preparations on a daily basis. By Friday evening, almost everything was completed.
07/07/18 DNA
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