Bengaluru: On Tuesday, a polythene packet was found in a trash can of a toilet, containing crude gold worth Rs 87 lakh, at Kempegowda International Airport (KIA).
Officials surmise that the gold, weighing 2.8kg, was moved illegally into Bengaluru and was supposed to be picked up by other smuggling members from the airport.
A black packet in a trash can was found by the Air Intelligence Unit(AIU) of Bengaluru Customs after they received information that large quantity of gold has been smuggled from the Gulf. Detectives opened the packet and found four crude gold chains and one bangle covered in insulation tape, which avoids detection under scanners.
06/07/18 Jagruthi Maddela/Hans India
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Officials surmise that the gold, weighing 2.8kg, was moved illegally into Bengaluru and was supposed to be picked up by other smuggling members from the airport.
A black packet in a trash can was found by the Air Intelligence Unit(AIU) of Bengaluru Customs after they received information that large quantity of gold has been smuggled from the Gulf. Detectives opened the packet and found four crude gold chains and one bangle covered in insulation tape, which avoids detection under scanners.
06/07/18 Jagruthi Maddela/Hans India
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