Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Passengers on Chicago-bound flight from India get diverted, stranded in Milwaukee

Passengers on a 15-hour flight from India were diverted to Milwaukee by Sunday's winter storm and forced to spend several more hours on the tarmac.

Crews at one point attended to a passenger who fell ill. Still, no one was able to deplane Air India 127 after it touched down in Milwaukee at about 5:45 a.m.

"It sucks because I can see America. I can see my hometown -- or my home country right outside the window, but I can't touch it," passenger Craig King told WISN 12 NEW by phone.

King and his wife were able to see the Taj Mahal, but ultimately spent more time seeing the airport tarmac than they did one of the world's great wonders.

"They keep making excuse after excuse why we can't get off the plane," he said.

Airport officials said the individual airlines make decisions about whether passengers are allowed to deplane. An attempt to reach the airline for information about the delay was unsuccessful.
27/11/18 Milwaukee
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