Thursday, December 20, 2018

Airports’ privatization: CIAL not qualified to bid for Trivandrum

The move to privatize the second batch of airports in India has evoked varying responses from the public and the stake holders. Though it seems the Airports Authority of India (AAI) top brass is all for it, the staff of the Mini Ratna company have made it pretty clear that they are dead against selling out the profitable airports and are already in the warpath.
But the most interesting response seems to be that of the Government of Kerala. To prevent the Thiruvananthapuram International Airport ending up in private hands, the govt has decided to take an extraordinary step – to participate in the competitive bidding to run the airport.
Reports are already allover the media that the Government has authorized Cochin International Airports Ltd (CIAL), the company that had set up and runs the Kochi International Airport in PPP mode, to bid for the right to run the state capital airport. And quoting state government officials and CIAL staff, the media reports assert that CIAL qualifies to bid, as per the criteria enlisted in the Request for Proposal (RFP) released by AAI.

But a careful study of the RFP makes it abundantly clear that CIAL does not have the PQs (Pre-Qualifications), at least for the time being.

Here is why:

19/12/18 Jacob K Philip/Decision Height
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