Thursday, December 20, 2018

India’s air security score falls by about 17 per cent in audit, could hit expansion plans

New Delhi: India’s air security score has fallen by about 17 per cent in an audit conducted by the United Nation’s aviation watchdog, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), this newspaper has learnt.

The ICAO has voiced several concerns over the security of India’s airports and aviation infrastructure. India also recorded a dip in its air safety score after it audited the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, India’s aviation safety regulator.

India’s poor performance in the security audit could potentially affect international expansion plans of India’s airlines, experts said.

India has got a score of 79.36 per cent in maintaining security requirements as per International standards, sources privy to the audit said.
20/12/18 Sana Shakil/New Indian Express
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