Friday, January 25, 2019

Author loses necklace with mom's ashes at airport, post goes viral. Internet saves the day

New Delhi: Social media is not always the bad negative place that we know it as. Sometimes, it can also be the knight in shining armour for someone in distress.

This story about a man who lost his necklace at an airprot will regain your trust in social media. Nikesh Shukla, who is an author, recently lost his necklace, which contained some of his mother's ashes at the Heathrow airport. In the hope of getting back his necklace, Nikesh took to Twitter to ask for help in finding it.

He tweeted saying, "Hi. I lost the necklace shown in my profile pic today at Heathrow airport terminal 2. It contains some of my mum’s ashes and is extremely dear to me. Any chance of a RT in the slim hope it’s found?"
And the good humans of Twitter came together to help out the man. The tweets will genuinely win your heart and prove that there's still hope!

From giving out suggestions to helping him by giving their contacts at the airport, Twitteratis went all out for him.

The best part, after close to 10,000 retweets, the internet managed to save the day by getting Heathrow airport to respond to his tweet and finding the necklace for him. Their response is winning the internet.
25/01/19 India Today

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