Rairpur: Swami Vivekananda Airport of Raipur has been adjudged on top rank in the country in Customer Satisfaction Survey round two for consecutive fourth time in a row, airport officials confirmed. The survey conducted in 51 airports between July and December 2018 and Raipur airport recorded highest of 4.86 score followed by Trichy, Udaipur and Vadodara airports.
According to Swami Vivekananda Airport director Rakesh Sahay, "This is fourth consecutive time that Raipur airport has ranked first in customer satisfaction survey. He said that Raipur airport has focussed upon customer satisfaction in regards with easy check-in within minutes, Wi-Fi with good speed, world class shopping facilities, set up of food and beverages outlet and quick delivery of baggage for passengers have contributed a lot. It brings utmost satisfaction that we succeeded in maintaining the numero uno ranking four times in a row in 2017 and 2018."
In a report released by Airport Authority of India, during the round two survey of 51 airports in the country, the overall customer satisfaction index (CSI) on five points scale, Raipur stood on top in both the rounds of survey in January to June and July to December 2018.
Raipur scored 4.88 in round one and 4.86 in round two with Trichy, Udaipur and Vadodara following with scores 4.82, 4.80 and 4.78. Nearly 29 airports have CSI are more than or equal to the average score of 4.3 and the average CSI has increased to 4.35 in round two as compared to 4.31 in round one.
07/02/19 Rashmi Drolia/Times of India
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According to Swami Vivekananda Airport director Rakesh Sahay, "This is fourth consecutive time that Raipur airport has ranked first in customer satisfaction survey. He said that Raipur airport has focussed upon customer satisfaction in regards with easy check-in within minutes, Wi-Fi with good speed, world class shopping facilities, set up of food and beverages outlet and quick delivery of baggage for passengers have contributed a lot. It brings utmost satisfaction that we succeeded in maintaining the numero uno ranking four times in a row in 2017 and 2018."
In a report released by Airport Authority of India, during the round two survey of 51 airports in the country, the overall customer satisfaction index (CSI) on five points scale, Raipur stood on top in both the rounds of survey in January to June and July to December 2018.
Raipur scored 4.88 in round one and 4.86 in round two with Trichy, Udaipur and Vadodara following with scores 4.82, 4.80 and 4.78. Nearly 29 airports have CSI are more than or equal to the average score of 4.3 and the average CSI has increased to 4.35 in round two as compared to 4.31 in round one.
07/02/19 Rashmi Drolia/Times of India
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