Sunday, February 03, 2019

Traumatised King Cobra nursed back to good health in Thane by experts, sent by air to Orissa for release

In a feat of sorts, a team of young volunteers from Wildlife Welfare Association (WWA), under the guidance of experts, along with Thane territorial forest department, successfully ensured that the traumatised 10.6 feet King Cobra was nursed back to good health and sent to its own habitat for release on Thursday.

The 10-day operation from Thane forest department getting its custody on January 21 to it being sent to Odisha by air cargo on January 31 was kept under wraps and was known only by a selected team. Even the team decided to not click any images besides for documentation.

"It was brought in a dehydrated condition and was in trauma due to excessive handling and stress from continuous transportation so our first task was to stabilise it. Being a large snake and almost 5.6kg, saline was given to it sub-cutaneous to help it gain its strength quickly. All its activity was documented and monitored round the clock. Within few days it became active and started drinking water on its own," said Dr Kiran Shelar, Veterinarian who informed that a lot of precautions were taken to ensure it was not disturbed or handled and even human contact was kept the minimum.
Aditya Patil of Wildlife Welfare Association (WWA) shared that his team of volunteers drew a fixed routine for the snake. "Every morning around 8 to 9 am the snake was taken to bask in the sun. While one team took care of the snake, Rohit Mohite, another member of WAA got permissions from Air India for sending the snake in the air cargo to Bhubaneswar," Patil informed.

Within few days of the snake being brought to Thane, Dr Jitendra Ramgaonkar, Deputy Conservator of Forest (DCF) Thane territorial began the necessary formalities with PCCF, Wildlife office in Nagpur as well as PCCF, Wildlife in Odisha for securing permission to release the snake at the earliest.
03/02/19 Virat A Singh/DNA

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