Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Air India ushers in a new era of fuel conservation

Hyderabad: Air India ushered in a new era in fuel conservation and emission reduction with its flight AI 560 landing in Hyderabad’s Shamsabad airport from Delhi at 8:50 a.m. on Monday, following a new regulation method.

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) had recommended moving from prescriptive (when the regulator tells the airlines what to do and how to do it) regulation to performance (when the regulator defines the outcome but leaves it to the airlines to define the path on how to get there) based regulation.

For the first time in India, flights to the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport were planned without filing an alternate destination and carrying excess fuel to fly to that destination on trial. Current regulations require every flight to plan an alternate route and carry enough fuel to fly to the destination, said an official release.

This means the aircraft carries additional fuel back and forth, which is redundant if there is no diversion from the intended destination to the alternate. The heavier the aircraft, the more is the fuel consumption. Provisions exist in the regulations to despatch flights without an alternate without compromising on safety issues.
For instance, for a Boeing 777, flying from Delhi to Hyderabad would result in a reduction in fuel requirement of about four tonnes and a consequential reduction in fuel consumption of about a staggering 140 kg by following the new regulation. With AI having close to 15 flights daily to Shamshabad, fuel saving would be humongous.
30/04/19 The Hindu
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