Chennai: Customs officials detected six cases of gold smuggling at Chennai international airport on Tuesday and Wednesday and seized 1.6kg of gold.
On Wednesday, officers intercepted Gouse Peer, 26, of YSR Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh, on suspicion of carrying gold. He arrived here from Kuwait via Dubai in an Emirates Airlines flight. During examination of his baggage, two hammers were found, which were unusually heavy. On cutting open the hammers heads, two cylindrical gold rods -- one from each hammer -- and weighing 658 gram were recovered. The gold rods were worth at Rs 21.61 lakh.
On Wednesday, officers intercepted Babu Thaithara Madhavan, 53, of Chennai, who arrived from Singapore. They searched him and found gold hidden in a rubbery spread and concealed in his rectum. On extraction, 206 gram of gold -- valued at Rs 6.77 lakh -- was recovered.
Sikkanthar Batcha, 30, and Kumaraguru, 37, of Pudukkottai and Muthu Kumar, 28, of Ramanathapuram –all arrived here from Colombo in a SpiceJet flight -- were intercepted. Gold was found hidden in a rubbery spread and concealed in their rectum. On extraction, 644 gram of gold and valued at Rs21 lakh was recovered.
01/05/19 Shruti Suresh/Times of India
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On Wednesday, officers intercepted Gouse Peer, 26, of YSR Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh, on suspicion of carrying gold. He arrived here from Kuwait via Dubai in an Emirates Airlines flight. During examination of his baggage, two hammers were found, which were unusually heavy. On cutting open the hammers heads, two cylindrical gold rods -- one from each hammer -- and weighing 658 gram were recovered. The gold rods were worth at Rs 21.61 lakh.
On Wednesday, officers intercepted Babu Thaithara Madhavan, 53, of Chennai, who arrived from Singapore. They searched him and found gold hidden in a rubbery spread and concealed in his rectum. On extraction, 206 gram of gold -- valued at Rs 6.77 lakh -- was recovered.
Sikkanthar Batcha, 30, and Kumaraguru, 37, of Pudukkottai and Muthu Kumar, 28, of Ramanathapuram –all arrived here from Colombo in a SpiceJet flight -- were intercepted. Gold was found hidden in a rubbery spread and concealed in their rectum. On extraction, 644 gram of gold and valued at Rs21 lakh was recovered.
01/05/19 Shruti Suresh/Times of India
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