Mumbai: Sahar police have busted a three-member gang that included a taxi driver for robbing over Rs 2,000 from a 35-year-old bank executive who had hired the cab from outside the international airport on May 25 night to go to his home in Andheri.
The complainant said, one gang member standing outside the airport car parking bay stopped the car pretending to be a passenger. He robbed the bank executive as the cab reached Sahar village road.
Senior inspector of Sahar police Shashikant Mane said, “Soon after the victim got into the cab, one of the accused, Mohammed Khan, too, boarded the cab. Midway, he threatened the victim and driver and fled with the money. The driver pretended to be innocent and took the cab to MIDC police station on the victim’s instructions. They then took the cab driver and victim to Sahar police where the case was solved.”
Mane said while one gang member lured fliers at the terminal arrival point with cheap fares, the second was the cab driver, while the third accused posed as a passenger and executed the robbery.
28/05/19 V Narayan/Times of India
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The complainant said, one gang member standing outside the airport car parking bay stopped the car pretending to be a passenger. He robbed the bank executive as the cab reached Sahar village road.
Senior inspector of Sahar police Shashikant Mane said, “Soon after the victim got into the cab, one of the accused, Mohammed Khan, too, boarded the cab. Midway, he threatened the victim and driver and fled with the money. The driver pretended to be innocent and took the cab to MIDC police station on the victim’s instructions. They then took the cab driver and victim to Sahar police where the case was solved.”
Mane said while one gang member lured fliers at the terminal arrival point with cheap fares, the second was the cab driver, while the third accused posed as a passenger and executed the robbery.
28/05/19 V Narayan/Times of India
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