In a shocking development, a Rohingya Muslim from Myanmar was arrested Wednesday from Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi with fake Indian documents. According to reports, he was arrested for procuring fake Indian passport and Aadhaar card for travelling to Indonesia. Identified as Mohammed Faisal, the 24-year-old’s application seeking refugee status with the United Nations High Commissioner (UNHCR) was under consideration.
While nothing suspicious was reportedly found out in the joint interrogation of the man by the Delhi police and the Intelligence Bureau officials, an FIR has been registered. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (IGI Airport), Sanjay Bhatia, Faisal was interrogated for terror links. “He told us that he is a Rohingya and was going to Indonesia in search of work”, Bhatia added.
According to the police, Faisal introduced himself as an Indian passenger during immigration clearance after his arrival at the airport. “Faisal had introduced himself as an Indian passenger and produced Indian passport and Aadhaar card before the immigration officer. He was caught after some discrepancies were found in his travel documents,” a police officer said.
Apart from the fact that he failed to give satisfactory answers regarding his trip to Indonesia, a UNHCR document was also recovered from him, which established his Myanmar nationality. “Also, when he was questioned about his trip to Indonesia, his replies were not found satisfactory. After this, all the documents he was carrying were checked, and a copy of a certificate issued by the UNHCR, dated March 20, 2017, was recovered, which established him as a citizen of Myanmar. The documents mentioned his permanent address as Rakhine, Myanmar,” added the police officer.
19/05/19 OpIndia
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While nothing suspicious was reportedly found out in the joint interrogation of the man by the Delhi police and the Intelligence Bureau officials, an FIR has been registered. According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (IGI Airport), Sanjay Bhatia, Faisal was interrogated for terror links. “He told us that he is a Rohingya and was going to Indonesia in search of work”, Bhatia added.
According to the police, Faisal introduced himself as an Indian passenger during immigration clearance after his arrival at the airport. “Faisal had introduced himself as an Indian passenger and produced Indian passport and Aadhaar card before the immigration officer. He was caught after some discrepancies were found in his travel documents,” a police officer said.
Apart from the fact that he failed to give satisfactory answers regarding his trip to Indonesia, a UNHCR document was also recovered from him, which established his Myanmar nationality. “Also, when he was questioned about his trip to Indonesia, his replies were not found satisfactory. After this, all the documents he was carrying were checked, and a copy of a certificate issued by the UNHCR, dated March 20, 2017, was recovered, which established him as a citizen of Myanmar. The documents mentioned his permanent address as Rakhine, Myanmar,” added the police officer.
19/05/19 OpIndia
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