Chandigarh: The Consumer Forum of Chandigarh has directed Air India to pay Rs 2.15 lakh to a city-based doctor for harassing him, as the doctor was made to wait on the flight and at the New Delhi airport for hours. Later, he was asked to go to Chandigarh by road. However, the doctor preferred to catch another flight of Jet Airways by paying Rs 4,025.
In the judgment released on June 19, the forum held Air India deficient in services, directed it to refund the airfare from Delhi to Chandigarh, which is Rs 4,025, to the complainant, and also pay him a sum of Rs 2 lakh as compensation for mental agony and harassment and Rs 11,000 as cost of litigation. Prof Virendra Singh of Chandigarh, who is a doctor of hematology at PGIMER in Chandigarh, had to travel to Nagpur and Delhi for taking DNB practical examination. He bought three air tickets of Air India from Chandigarh-Nagpur, Nagpur-Delhi, and Delhi-Chandigarh.
On September 6, 2018, Singh reached New Delhi airport about 3.50 am to board the flight to Chandigarh which was to take off at 5.55 am. But the flight never took off and he was made to wait on the airplane. Singh alleged that after being mentally tortured for around one-and-a-half hours, all the passengers were told to disembark about 6:30 am without assigning any reason. Then after waiting for about one hour at the airport, the staff told the complainant and other passengers that the take-off time of the flight had been revised and new boarding passes were to be issued.
21/06/19 Jagpreet Singh Sandhu/Indian Express
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In the judgment released on June 19, the forum held Air India deficient in services, directed it to refund the airfare from Delhi to Chandigarh, which is Rs 4,025, to the complainant, and also pay him a sum of Rs 2 lakh as compensation for mental agony and harassment and Rs 11,000 as cost of litigation. Prof Virendra Singh of Chandigarh, who is a doctor of hematology at PGIMER in Chandigarh, had to travel to Nagpur and Delhi for taking DNB practical examination. He bought three air tickets of Air India from Chandigarh-Nagpur, Nagpur-Delhi, and Delhi-Chandigarh.
On September 6, 2018, Singh reached New Delhi airport about 3.50 am to board the flight to Chandigarh which was to take off at 5.55 am. But the flight never took off and he was made to wait on the airplane. Singh alleged that after being mentally tortured for around one-and-a-half hours, all the passengers were told to disembark about 6:30 am without assigning any reason. Then after waiting for about one hour at the airport, the staff told the complainant and other passengers that the take-off time of the flight had been revised and new boarding passes were to be issued.
21/06/19 Jagpreet Singh Sandhu/Indian Express
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