Shimla: Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Sunday urged Finance Minister Niramala Sitharaman to speed up the international airport project near Sundarnagar, demand funds for loss in revenue due to the GST implementation.
Thakur, along with other Chief Minister, raised a pitch for allocation of more funds for marinating forest cover, meeting post-devolution deficit for sustainable development to make 10 Himalayan states as the participants in the 5-trillion economy as targeted by the Centre.
He raised these issues while speaking at a conclave of Chief Ministers of 10 Himalayan states organised by the Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI) at Mussoorie in partnership with the Uttarakhand government. Later, the Chief Ministers passed and signed a resolution and presented it to the Finance Minister, Chairman, 15th Finance Commission, and Vice-Chairman of the NITI Ayog for action.
Thakur said, “Himachal is not facing migration from villages like other Himalayan states, but we need more funds for expanding rail, road and air connectivity and urged the Centre for speeding up the airport project near Sundernagar.” Himachal had witnessed a huge fall in income from the GST, urging the Finance Commission for proper evacuation of GST for the remaining 33 months for the state.
29/07/19 Tribune
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Thakur, along with other Chief Minister, raised a pitch for allocation of more funds for marinating forest cover, meeting post-devolution deficit for sustainable development to make 10 Himalayan states as the participants in the 5-trillion economy as targeted by the Centre.
He raised these issues while speaking at a conclave of Chief Ministers of 10 Himalayan states organised by the Integrated Mountain Initiative (IMI) at Mussoorie in partnership with the Uttarakhand government. Later, the Chief Ministers passed and signed a resolution and presented it to the Finance Minister, Chairman, 15th Finance Commission, and Vice-Chairman of the NITI Ayog for action.
Thakur said, “Himachal is not facing migration from villages like other Himalayan states, but we need more funds for expanding rail, road and air connectivity and urged the Centre for speeding up the airport project near Sundernagar.” Himachal had witnessed a huge fall in income from the GST, urging the Finance Commission for proper evacuation of GST for the remaining 33 months for the state.
29/07/19 Tribune
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