Gujarat high court on Monday issued a notice to National Investigation Agency (NIA) in response to a bail plea by Mumbai businessman Birju Salla alias Amar Soni, after he was sentenced to life under the amended anti-hijacking law.
A division bench admitted Salla's appeal against his conviction for planting a threat note in the lavatory of a Mumbai-Delhi Jet Airways flight in October 2017. The letter stated that hijackers were on board and the aircraft would be "flown straight to PoK". It had warned that "people would die" if efforts were made to land the aircraft elsewhere. The flight made an emergency landing in Ahmedabad, where Salla was booked.
06/08/19 Times of India
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A division bench admitted Salla's appeal against his conviction for planting a threat note in the lavatory of a Mumbai-Delhi Jet Airways flight in October 2017. The letter stated that hijackers were on board and the aircraft would be "flown straight to PoK". It had warned that "people would die" if efforts were made to land the aircraft elsewhere. The flight made an emergency landing in Ahmedabad, where Salla was booked.
06/08/19 Times of India
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