Tuesday, November 12, 2019

All male crew aboard AI flight springs a surprise

Chennai: It is a usual practice to see airlines operating with an all-women cabin crew, but an all-men crew is a rarity.
An Air India flight with an all-male crew on the Chennai-Delhi route came as a surprise to many and seems to have sprung a debate among airline staff and passengers.
A Chennai-Delhi (AI 143) flight and the Delhi-Chennai (AI 142) flight had an all-male cabin crew on Monday. Though passengers found it a bit odd, aviation experts said there is no rule that says that the crew should be a mix of men and women.
The airline did not violate any law. Sources said that the choice of cabin crew was by accident. “Crew selection is done by a central software which assigns flights for staff. Gender is not a criteria weaved into the process... it just picks cabin crew based on their duty parameters from each station.”
Though gender is not factored in while selecting the crew, it is rare to see an all-male crew handling a flight, said an airline official.
12/11/19 Times of India
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