Sunday, November 03, 2019

Delhi AQI hits 999, enters 'hazardous' level; flight operations affected

New Delhi: Air quality index (AQI) in Delhi touched the 'hazardous' level of 999, an air quality monitor said, pushing the city back into the “severe” plus category after a brief respite on Saturday evening.

Smog continued to smother the national capital, affecting flight operations at the Delhi Airport.

The thick smog pushed up the minimum temparture in the city to 18.7 degrees Celsius, four notches above the season's average.
Air India said 12 of its flights had to diverted from Delhi airport since 9 am on Sunday. Delhi Airport said 32 flights had  been cancelled so far. A glance at the Delhi Airport's live flight status shows that most flights, both domestic and international, are running behind schedule.
03/11/19 Tribune
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