Tuesday, December 31, 2019

This one issue may just make your 'Udan' go for a toss

'Consumer is king' — the adage holds true all the more in today's era of abundance. And yet, in India, this does not seem to apply where consumer rights redressal are concerned. The situation is uniformly bad across sectors, but of late, aviation sector appears to be winning this race to the bottom.

Complaints about sudden cancellation of flights or change in schedules without adequate notice, are on the rise. Harried passengers are sometimes forced to cancel their tickets or alter travel plans.

Advocate Shashi Shankar, who has been handling consumer cases since 2001, says majority of the citizens are not aware of their rights and the country lacks adequate number of consumer courts. This is evident from the fact that there were only 10 such courts in Delhi in 2019. In the last 19 years, this number has risen by just one.

Some experts feel the root of the problem lies in the limited choices available for fliers because of the problems in the aviation sector. In the last seven years, two airlines—Kingfisher and Jet—have gone under.

So, what is the way out of this situation?
Read what Soumalya Santikari says >>
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