Bollywood’s popular actress Kriti Kharbanda who was last seen in Housefull 4 is the latest victim of losing luggage to the airline. The actress took to her Twitter handle to bash Air India for losing her luggage and for misbehaving rudely. However, as soon as she shared the post on Twitter, Air India was quick enough to ask for an apology.
The actress who was travelling to Goa from Mumbai didn't accept their apology as after series of request she didn't receive her luggage which left her more irked. However, when they asked for her details they immediately looked for her luggage and tweeted that they have delivered her luggage to GOA Airport from Mumbai.
Well, this is not the first time Kriti faced such situation earlier in 2014 actress had addressed this kind of issue on her social media platform about losing her luggage and staff misbehaving with her.
22/02/20 Catch News
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The actress who was travelling to Goa from Mumbai didn't accept their apology as after series of request she didn't receive her luggage which left her more irked. However, when they asked for her details they immediately looked for her luggage and tweeted that they have delivered her luggage to GOA Airport from Mumbai.
Well, this is not the first time Kriti faced such situation earlier in 2014 actress had addressed this kind of issue on her social media platform about losing her luggage and staff misbehaving with her.
22/02/20 Catch News
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