Saturday, March 07, 2020

Fire personnel end mock drill with real firefighting in airport

Tiruchy: A minor fire was immediately doused just opposite Tiruchy International Airport (TIA) on Friday afternoon. Firefighters who put out the fire has just taken part in a mock drill moments before the incident. No injury or damage was reported.

The airport fire service had organised a mock drill on Friday, regular feature to train airport personnel for a quick response in case of any untoward incident. After the drill, fire and rescue personnel at the airport found themselves sent out to tackle a real fire on barren land opposite the airport.

Officials said a quick response was required as the land is just opposite the runway. Given the location, the dense smoke could have hampered the vision of pilots during takeoff. A special airport  fire and emergency response vehicle immediately rushed to the site and personnel put out the fire in 45 minutes.
07/03/20  Aadhithya MS/New Indian Express
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