AirAsia India on Friday offered 50,000 seats without base fares to the armed forces personnel for the travel period between September 25 and December 31. On the eve of the Independence Day, the airline said the travellers can submit their details online between August 15 and August 21 to avail the offer.
While the base fare will be waived off under the RedPass offer, airport fees, charges and taxes would be borne by the personnel, it stated in a press release. Once the application is reviewed, details will be sent to the applicant on the redemption process on any domestic flight operated by AirAsia India," the release said.
The AirAsia RedPass will be valid for a one-way flight for which the reservation is required to be made at least 21 days prior to the date of departure, it mentioned. In addition to the base fare discount, the personnel will also enjoy priority while boarding and depositing check-in luggage, the low-cost carrier noted.
16/08/20 PTI/
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While the base fare will be waived off under the RedPass offer, airport fees, charges and taxes would be borne by the personnel, it stated in a press release. Once the application is reviewed, details will be sent to the applicant on the redemption process on any domestic flight operated by AirAsia India," the release said.
The AirAsia RedPass will be valid for a one-way flight for which the reservation is required to be made at least 21 days prior to the date of departure, it mentioned. In addition to the base fare discount, the personnel will also enjoy priority while boarding and depositing check-in luggage, the low-cost carrier noted.
16/08/20 PTI/
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