Monday, September 28, 2020

Twice as many passengers choose to fly out since May

Pune: Air passenger traffic from Pune has increased from 2,503 on May 25 to 7,500 on September 25, recording 200% increase ever since domestic flight operations resumed on May 25 after the nationwide lockdown.

On September 25, the airport also handled the largest number of passengers in the last four months, the authorities said. “There has been a constant rise in the number of passengers at the Pune airport. With more than 7,500 passengers handled on September 25, it is the highest since May 25 when the airport resumed flight operations. There has been an increase in total flight movements too since May,” said Pune airport director Kuldeep Singh.

Airport authorities said the number of flights were set to increase. “Between 100 to 110 flight movements are expected. The work on the runway has started and things are moving smoothly. However, the real challenge will start from the end of October when the runway will only be available for 12 hours. The winter schedule is also beginning from around the same time and all airlines and stakeholders have been informed about the timeline and restriction,” another official said.

28/09/20 Joy Sengupta/Times of India

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