Saturday, July 03, 2021

Highest vaccine transport from Pune airport in June

Pune: The city airport in June transported around 4.08 crore doses of the Covishield vaccine, which was the highest since January.

An airport official said barring five days in June, vaccines were transported on all days of the month from the facility. The numbers were expected to swell as the cargo hold would shift to a plot owned by the Indian Air Force this month, the official added.

“The number of vaccines transported from the airport in June is 39% higher than those in May, when 2.95 crore doses were transported,” an official said.

“On June 30, SpiceJet-operated freighter transported 19.75 lakh doses to Patna, Vijaywada and Guwahati. We are hoping the cargo hold area gets shifted to the new spot soon so the airport can facilitate better transportation of the doses,” another airport official said.

Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India (SII), recently said while SII was able to manufacture 70 million doses of Covishield in March, production had been ramped up to 90 million doses in June.

03/07/21 Joy Sengupta/Times of India

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