Tuesday, August 09, 2022

DFI, Army Design Bureau team up to accelerate drone tech development for Indian Army

The Drone Federation of India (DFI) and the Indian Army, represented by the Army Design Bureau (ADB), has signed an MoU for accelerating drone technology development and indigenisation in the drone ecosystem. The Indian Army has been a heavy user of drones in the past, and this new collaboration will further fuel the adoption of drone technology. Earlier Business Today had reported that at the Drone Festival organised in New Delhi in May this year, many officials of the Indian armed forces [of different forces] were found enquiring about the new technologies that they can evaluate and deploy.

“This collaboration will help in providing a focused approach towards upgrading Indian drone manufacturing capabilities for meeting defence requirements. It will also enable companies to leverage the expertise on the subject within the Indian Army. We look forward to working together,” said Major General C. S. Mann, VSM, Additional Director General, Army Design Bureau.

DFI and ADB have established a holistic collaboration on roadmap planning, research, testing, manufacturing and adoption of drone, counter drone and associated technologies that are to be utilised by the Indian Army in its operations. As a first step of this collaboration, “Indian Army’s Him- Drone-a-thon” is being launched, under which, proposals for development of drone based solutions for supporting Indian Army operations in the harsh himalayan terrains will be invited. The ADB will provide mentoring and enable field visits to selected participants in order to give Indian industry an exposure of the real-life operational scenarios.

08/08/22 Nidhi Singal/Business Today

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