Saturday, September 17, 2022

Air India Express fire was doused in just 90 seconds: Oman Airports

Muscat: The Fire and Rescue team at Muscat International Airport managed to extinguish a fire that broke out in the Air India Express aircraft last week, within 90 seconds.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Oman Airports said: “A proud morning salute to the Muscat International Airport’s Fire and Rescue team for their outstanding performance in responding, in only 90 seconds, and extinguishing an engine fire on an aircraft last week.”

Some passengers suffered minor injuries during an evacuation operation after smoke started billowing out of an Air India Express flight at Muscat International Airport on Wednesday morning.

The aircraft was taxiing towards the runway for take-off to Kochi at 11.20 am on Wednesday when officials noticed smoke coming out from the aircraft.

Airport officials said the passengers were immediately evacuated from the Air India Express flight on slides and the fire was brought under control.

17/09/22 Times of Oman

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